Oklahoma Pastors attended the Pre-Lent Retreat and Preaching Workshop January 31 - February 2, 2021. The retreat provided an opportunity to study Ephesians in preparation for a Lenten Sermon series called, "Blessed is the Peacemaker." Pastors who attended can use the sermon outlines and discussion notes provided by Rev. David Fleming for a five-week Lenten Sermon Series exploring the richness of the peace that Christ gives in the midst of a chaotic world increasingly marked by hostility. In addition to study, participants were able to be immersed in the word of God in worship, encourage one another, relax in the beauty of God's creation, and enjoy the generous hospitality of Camp Lutherhoma.
Rev Fleming is the Executive Director for spiritual care for DOXOLOGY: the Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel.
The 2022 Pre-Lent Retreat and Preaching Workshop is being planned for January 30--Feb 1 with the possibility of an optional third night for those who wish to remain a little longer.