LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry The “&” in Witness & Outreach underscores that there are two different elements to this ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Witness is the work we have been given to do as the church scattered. We have opportunities to speak of Jesus with the people in our everyday lives who are our friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members, etc. Outreach is the work we do as the church gathered. It is our collective effort through ministries, services, events and other activities as the church through which we invite and include others into Word and Sacrament ministry. Witness & Outreach are distinct, but they work together so people will know of Jesus and be gathered into His Church through us. | |
Everyone His Witness Program Every One His Witness is a relational, contextual Lutheran evangelism program that teaches you how to witness to your nonchurched friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family members. Using the LASSIE approach to witnessing (listen, ask, seek, share, invite, and encourage), you will learn how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a natural way with people who are part of your everyday life. | |
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ OAFC is a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS with over 45 years of evangelism and youth ministry experience. We offer free training to youth and adults which can assist you in evangelism and strengthening the faith of your youth. We will meet with you, train you and work with you so that you will be able to share your faith as we all witness of Jesus' love and forgiveness in your community and wherever God leads us. | |
Lutheran Hour Ministries Lutheran Hour Ministries is a trusted resource in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 125 million people worldwide each week. Through its North American headquarters and ministry centers on six continents, LHM reaches into more than 50 countries, often bringing Christ to places where no other Christian evangelistic organizations are present. LHM’s flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,800 radio stations and the American Forces Network. | |
LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Rural & Small Town Mission supports pastors, professional church workers and lay leaders to meet the challenges of leading Christ-centered outreach in their unique communities. | |
Church Revitalization The Office of National Mission is addressing the challenge of congregational decline through a comprehensive Revitalization initiative. In the language of 1 Cor. 3:5-9, revitalization is centered on planting and watering in anticipation of God providing the growth. re:Vitality is a full-scale program that addresses the three fundamental premises of revitalization by providing congregations with resources to improve their abilities to invite, welcome and receive people from outside the congregation. |